Thursday 3 October 2024

Game 126 : First Bull Run 1861

 The 15mm ACW were back out for this battle. First Bull Run was selected as it fits well with 4 players. Both sides knew about the campaign/battle and so there were not too may surprises. We use F & F with house rules and it is at regimental level.

The action took place primarily on the Union right. It wasn't the flank attack appearing that lead to this, it was the Confederates attacking across the bridge!

The above shows the progress the Confederates have made across the bridge. It was preceded with what turned out to be a one sided fire fight that favoured the Confederates. The Union right was struggling and neither reinforcements from the centre, nor the flank attack had yet appeared.

Looking down to the Confederate right, with Manassas junction off the table at the far end, it was a case of look at each other. Union forces had found 2 fords, the confederate attempt at ford location resulted in a bloody nose for a cavalry regiment. 

Reinforcements from the centre have arrived to bolster the Union right which has now stabilised the front and it attempting to counter-attack. The Confederates are also welcoming timely reinforcements from troops arrived at the rail head near Manassas.

Both side renew attempted advance with fresh troops. It doesn't take long before the crisis appears.

The Union line is in danger of cracking. It needs a turn to shore up the line and behold! The 2 advancing Confederate Brigades have their advance stall. It was a very big straw that the Union forces had managed to grab!

On the Union left, an attack was launched to deflect attention from the right flank and also to attempt to drive the Confederates away from Manassas junction. After a promising start it became a slaughterhouse! Scratch 4 regiments of Union infantry. 

Despite this set back, the whole line was now stable for both sides and the game finished. A bit like "what just happened folks, anything?"

Rogue's gallery. Next up will be a WWII game, around the time of the Kursk offensive.

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