Wednesday 4 September 2024

Game 125 : Campaign Action culminating in a battle at Khartoum

 This was another game of Sands of Sudan with Dave Doc bringing down all his Sudan kit. The Imperial columns had to fight through Sudan to quash or squash rebellions by all sorts of nasty people. Needless to say, we had a great time. 

The mechanics were fine and we also learnt as we played. We played 2 campaign battles and finished with the relief of Khartoum, which is always fun.

Below are a few pics, in no particular order. The games never cease to be fun!

The above shows "Khartoum" being assaulted. The nasties launched about 17 assaults all told, each one thrown back, not without a modicum of luck

At the other end of the table in the same battle, a large Mahdi cavalry force gets whittle down and then finally surrounded. It certainly was death or nothing, or something like that!

Taken from the 2nd campaign battle. Two Brigades of Imperial Infantry march unstoppably along the table to effect another siege raise of a besieged town. I took the hump, momentarily, when I was refused the air support that you can just see in the top right corner!!! 

I think this was the same battle, an Egyptian sortie from the town has been beaten back, but the Imperial Brigade is about to intervene.

This is also from the same game showing the adjoining table. Imperial columns are converging to relieve this town on the Nile. Out of shot there is a Nile river gunboat supporting the Imperial forces.

I don't know how many figures we had deployed, but Dave had very little left in his boxes.

Rogue's gallery


  1. Indeed always fun . Always waiting for an imperial disaster to turn up adds to the tensions ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. I still think the Phantom could have supplied air cover! But it was a laugh and fun without it!!
