Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Game 131 : La Rothiere : Feb 1st 1814

 Just a few pics from our La Rothiere encounter. Truly a French defensive battle. The difference with this game is that we are fighting a second day where both sides may or may not get reinforced. It is a "what if" but it should be interesting to see what happens.

I normally do a casualty sheet in these accounts, but I'll leave the casualties until I post the "second day2 battle account.

This is the main Allied assault on Dienville on the French right flank. No finesse, just hurling numbers at the objective.

The French lines held after protracted fighting. Losses, on both sides were significant. Now the Austrians arrived on the flank, it would get very hot for the French defenders.

More or less at the same time, the French left, anchored on Le Petit Mesnil was also being assaulted. The approach is seen above. The outcome was similar, but the Allies did suffer more losses and there attempt to withdraw and reform too longer than they anticipated.

It was at the height of this battle that the Bavarians, Allied reinforcers, began arriving on this flank. Although not in a position to influence this initial combat, their position did stop any French exploitation of the Allied repulse.

More to come after we fight the second day!